Allison Pregler Bio

Allison Pregler has a similar style to The Cinema Snob, but she's more prone to morbidly enjoying dumb action flicks. The reviewer began her journey in the latter half of 2009 and after gaining some notoriety through their forums (under the name of her former handle Obscurus Lupa) she became a member of the Channel Awesome family. She remained participant on the website through January of 2015, after which Obscurus Lupa Presents changed into Movie Nights. Presently, she hosts two podcasts, one that covers the Charmed series and the second one co-hosted with Phelous. After a controversial departure from Channel Awesome Allison officially announced on January 20th 2015 that she'd be revamping OLP into an impromptu review show called Movie Nights with an appropriately-shlocky elevator jazz theme. Seen here or here. Also available on Tumblr along with Twitter. Are you bored of Allison? You can see her kicking in the sex on the screen as Interpol ninja Cheetah Lee on Ninja the Mission Force. Brad Jones' Jesus Bro! was also her first film. He has also had her guest star on numerous episodes of his show Midnight Screenings. She reviews horrible films aimed at children, or RiffTrax programs, and also occasional adult humor (including Baywatch (2017)). She began in late 2009 reviewing films, and gained popularity in forums like the Channel Awesome forums. She was then accepted into the group of film critics. She has made numerous appearances on Channel Awesome, from Atop the Fourth Wall all the way to Phelous & the Movies. Doug Walker along with Doug Walker were once members of Channel Awesome. They would often appear on episodes of Nostalgia Critic.

pics Allison Holker feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs


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